Join Our Circle of Friends

To effectively provide programs and services for our community, Arc Herkimer seeks collaborations and partnerships.

Our Circle of Friends is a philanthropic group who share in their commitment to the mission of Arc Herkimer.

Circle members, through thoughtful engagement with the agency, become ambassadors, representing Arc Herkimer in many networks throughout our community. Circle members are an extension of the agency’s voice, sharing our mission and values with others. The generosity of the Circle of Friends members allows Arc Herkimer to fulfill its mission proudly and without compromise.

Join Our Circle of Friends


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Joining The Circle

Funds raised through Arc Herkimer’s Circle of Friends are directed toward the Arc Herkimer Endowment Fund, allowing Arc Herkimer to maintain the highest professional standards and guarantee that those we serve are provided the quality, person-centered services they deserve.

Platinum Circle

Four Individuals Included

Gold Circle

Two Individuals Included

Bronze Circle

One Individuals Included

Enjoy exclusive events, opportunity to join the MV Golf & Event Center at a discounted rate, no long-term commitments, an annual renewal, a custom dues schedule, and above all, knowing that you made a difference.

Empowering people with disabilities and enriching lives throughout our community